The first solar cell prototype (2cm*2cm) of Heterojunction with Intrinsic Thin-layer-Interdigitated back contact (HIT-IBC) in China was developed successfully by the high-efficiency solar cell research group led by the professor JIA Rui in the Institute of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMECAS) .
Taking advantage of the advanced equipments for the semiconductor process fabrication, and the ability of developing advanced equipments, the high-efficiency intergitated back contact solar cells (IBCs) has been successfully developed using self-made paste. Based on this, the research group promoted the research proposal of novel HIT-IBC solar cells which combine the advantages of high open circuit voltage (Voc) from HIT structure and high short circuit current (Isc) from IBC structure. Therefore, the efficiency of silicon solar cells can be promoted greatly.
The HIT-IBC solar cell in IMECAS, which was fabricated on the N-type 4-inches wafer (different technical scheme was used for P-type wafer), was developed by using both the traditional solar cell technologies, such as screen printing, plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposited (PECVD) and photolithography, and the advanced fabrication technologies, such as novel passivation technology and heterojunction fabrication process.
The open-circuit voltage of this HIT-IBC solar cell can reach 658mV, because of HIT cell‘s high Open Circuit Voltage, which was obviously higher than the Voc of conventional silicon solar cells. At the same time, the research group is investigating the HIT-IBC solar cell based on P-type substrate . 
Fig. 1 Photograph of the HIT-IBC Battery (Image by IMECAS) 
Fig. 2 Sectional Drawing of HIT-IBC Battery (Image by IMECAS) CONTACT: Researcher JIA Rui Institute of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Sciences E-mail: Website of Dept.: