The Third IEEE Electronic Exploration Camp in IMECAS |
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To inspire schoolchildren to study and work in areas of related to electron devices and circuits, IEEE EDS UCAS Student Chapter had organized the third IEEE Electronic Exploration Camp in IMECAS, Beijing, China on July 15-17, 2019 at the Institute of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMECAS) by the with the support of the Key Laboratory of Microelectronic Devices & Integrated Technology, CAS. The camp was led by Gongtian Cheng, a student volunteer with the help of Prof. Baoqin Chen and Prof. Ming Liu of IMECAS. 50 schoolchildren came to IMECAS to explore and enjoy the fun of electronic circuit construction. Through learning and trying to build a few interesting electronic circuits, they learned some basic electronic engineering concepts such as voltage and current, signals, electrical measurements, clock generation and use, the use of mathematics in engineering etc. During the lab tour, they were also exposed to cross-disciplinary technologies such as control systems, with the kind arrangement efforts of the Integrated Circuit Advanced Process R&D Center. The camp has successfully stimulated the interest of the participants on electronic technology and cultivated their ability in problem solving. The parents of these students are satisfied with all the arrangement of the schedule and the design of the courses and give a good evaluation of this camp. We expect to host a larger scale electronic camp in the near future. 
2019 IEEE Electronic Exploration Camp participants Group Photo in the IMECAS 
Students constructing their circuits during the Electronic Exploration Camp 
The Closing Ceremony of the Electronic Exploration Camp