“2017 International Workshop on Reliability of Micro- and Nano-Electronic Devices in Harsh Environment” (IWRMN-EDHE 2017) had been successfully held in Sichuan Tennis International Hotel during May 22 – 24, 2017. More than 200 scholars and attendees from 10 countries join the workshop to exchange the latest research findings in micro- and nano-electronic devices reliability fields. The scope encompasses technological processes and design techniques for producing robust systems for space, aeronautical or terrestrial applications, as well as relevant methodologies for their characterization and qualification.
The international workshop was organized by Institute of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMECAS) and co-organized by University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Sichuan University, National Science Foundation, Sino-German Center, Sichuan Chengdu Shuangliugovernment, Smart Chip Ltd. and Douqi Ltd. Academician Ming Liu from IMECAS served as the General Chair. The Co-Chairs included Prof. Dan Fleetwood from Vanderbilt University, Prof. Ulf Schlichtmann from TechnischeUniversitaetMünchen, Prof. Yuanfu Zhao from China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation and Wei Chen from Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology (NINT).
Academician Ming Liu hosted the opening ceremony and gave the opening remarks. There were 6 keynote speakers. Academician Ming Liu’s keynote presentation is “Reliability Issues and Enhancement Techniques in Non-volatile Memories”. Prof. Ulf Schlichtmann’s keynote presentation is “Dealing with soft errors in Design Automation: Cross-Layer Approaches and Formal Techniques”. Prof. Wei Chen’s keynote presentation is“Neutron-Induced Single Event Effects in Large Scale Integrated Circuits”. Prof. Yuanfu Zhao’s keynote presentation is“Single event effect and its hardening on nano-scale CMOS ICs”. Prof. Dan Fleetwood’s keynote presentation is “Radiation Response, 1/f Noise, and Reliability of GaN/AlGaN HEMTs”. Prof. Ilia Valov’s keynote presentation is“Redox-based Memristive Devices: Fundamental Processes and New Insights”.
The workshop topics and sessions are composed of 1) Electronic device reliability (emerging devices, defect, physical mechanism, simulations, etc.), 2) Design-in reliability (circuits, systems, materials, etc.), 3) Damage effects in harsh environment (physical mechanism, modeling, etc.), 4) Charge/Discharge effects and ESD and 5) Failure characterization and analysis. There were 33 invited speakers from USA, France, Germany, Italy, UK and China. There are 58 oral presentations and 68 poster presentations also. The winners for “Best Student Paper Awards” are Yuan Duan from IMECAS, Xiaoyu Pan from NINT and Rong Jiang from Vanderbilt University.
IWRMN-EDHE 2017 laid a valuable forum for experts abroad and home in micro- and nano-electronic devices reliability fields.IWRMN-EDHE 2017 is also a great opportunity for graduate students and industry engineers to deeply learn the latest development and emerging trends in this field.

Conference Photo (Image by IMECAS)

Prof. Ming Liu was Giving the Keynote Talk (Image by IMECAS)

Conference (Image by IMECAS)

Best Student Paper Awards (Image by IMECAS)