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Name:CHEN Jie  





Address:3 Beitucheng West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, PR China



EDUCATION:  He received the B.E. degree from the Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, P.R.C. in 1986, and the M.E. and PhD. degrees from the University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Tokyo, Japan in 1991 and 1994, respectively.


He was a Research Associate in UEC in 1994 and was a Research Project Leader in Advanced IC Development Center, Yozan Inc., Tokyo, Japan from 1995 to 1997.

He worked as an Associate Professor in the Network System Laboratory, the Graduate School of Information Systems, UEC, during 1998 to 2001.

In 2001, he was selected as a scientist of CAS Program.

He is now a Director Professor of the Institute of Microelectronics, CAS and a Professor of the Graduate School of CAS.


His current research interests include SOC design for Software-Defined-Radio (SDR), Digital Communications (CDMA and OFDM) and Data Compression. Dr. Chen is a valued member of IEEE.


2001--, IMECAS, China,SOC Design for Wireless Communications and Information Processing

* SOC for Digital Communication Systems based on Software-Defined-Radio

(Supported CAS Program)

* Embedded High-performance and Low-power DSP Design

(Supported by National High-Technology Program "863" of China)

* Advanced CMOS Image Sensor

(Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China)

* ZCZ-CDMA Base-band Signal Processor for Broadband Wireless Communications

(Millennium Project supported by Japanese Ministry of Culture, Education and Sciences)

* Algorithm and SOC Design for Next-generation Wireless Communications

* Algorithm and SOC Design for Advanced Information Processing Systems

1998-2001, UEC, Japan, VLSI Design, Signal Compression and Wavelet Analysis

* Progressive Image Compression (from lossy to lossless compression)

* ECG Compression by Using Integer Wavelet Transform

* Stereo Matching System Based on Wavelet Transform

* VLSI Structure for Wavelet Transform

* VLSI Design for W-CDMA Communications

* VLSI Design for Base-band Signal Processor of ZCZ-CDMA Communications

(Millennium Project supported by Japanese Ministry of Culture, Education and Sciences)

1995-1997, Yozan, Japan, Analog-Digital Mixed VLSI Design (0.8um-0.25um CMOS Process)

* A High Speed Low Power Matched Filter LSI for W-CDMA Communications

(BPSK, single sampled)

* A High Speed Low Power Matched Filter VLSI for W-CDMA Communications

(QPSK, single sampled)

* A High Speed Low Power Signal Processing VLSI for Wireless LAN

* A High Speed Low Power Matched Filter VLSI for W-CDMA Communications

(QPSK, double-sampled)

* A 32-Tap Analog-Digital Mixed Filter LSI

* A 64-Tap Analog-Digital Mixed Filter LSI

* A RAKE Combination LSI for W-CDMA Communications

* A High Speed Low Power Base-band Signal Processor VLSI for W-CDMA

* A Very High Speed Matched Filter LSI for CDMA Communications

1991-1995, UEC, Japan, Signal Compression by Wavelet Transform

* Quantization Analysis of Orthonormal Wavlet Transform

* Image Compression System Based on Orthonormal Wavelet Transform

* Image Compression System with Predictable and Controllable Subjective Quality

* ECG Compression Based on Wavelet Transform

1989-1991, UEC, Japan, Universal Data Compression

* Lossless Image Compression Based on Lempel-Ziv Algorithm


1. Papers Selected by SCI

?Guo XX, Chen J, and etc. Code acquisition of ZCZ-CDMA systems based on complete complementary codes,WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND MOBILE COMPUTING Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput., 3: 585–595, 2003.

?Jie Chen, G.L. Shou and C. M. Zhou, “High-Speed Low-Power Complex Matched Filter for W-CDMA: Algorithm and VLSI-Architecture", IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E83-A, Jan., pp.150-157, 2000.

?Jie Chen, G.L. Shou and C.M. Zhou, “Digital-Controlled Analog Circuits for Weighted-Sum Operations: Architecture, Implementation and Applications”, IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E82-A, Nov., pp.2505-2513, 1999.

?Jie Chen, Wen Chen and S.Itoh, “Lossy to Lossless Compression of ECG by Using Integer Wavelet Transform”, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Vol.37, Supplement2, pp.1610-1611, 1999.

?Wen Chen, Jie Chen and S.Itoh, “The Error Estimation of Sampling in Wavelet Subspaces”, IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E82-A, No.5, pp.835-841, 1999.

?Jie Chen and S.Itoh, “A Wavelet Transform Based ECG Compression Method Guaranteeing Desired Signal Quality”, IEEE Trans. On Biomedical Engineering,Vol.45, No.12, pp.1414-1419, 1998.

?J. Chen, S.Itoh and T. Hashimoto, “Scalar Quantization Noise Analysis and Optimal Bit Allocation for Wavelet Pyramid Image Coding System", IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E-76-A, No.9, pp. 1502-1514, 1993.

?J. Chen, S.Itoh and T.Hashimoto, “Wavelet Pyramid Image Coding with Predictable and Controllable Subjective Picture Quality", IEICE Trans.on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E-76-A, No.9, pp.1458-1468, 1993.

?J. Chen, S.Itoh and T.Hashimoto, “ECG Data Compression Using Wavelet Transform", IEICE Trans.on Information and Systems, E-76-D, No.12, pp. 1454-1461, 1993.

2. Papers Selected by EI

?Jie Chen, Chaoxian Zhou and etc., “A Reconfigurable Architecture of High Performance Embedded DSP Core with Vector Processing Ability”, 2003 5th International Conference on ASIC Proceedings, pp377-380, 2003. (Invited paper)ISTP

?Ying Li and Jie Chen, “A Reconfigurable Architecture of A High Performance 32-bit MAC Unit For Embedded DSP.” 2003 5th International Conference on ASIC Proceedings, pp 1285-1288, 2003.

?Xin Zhang, Jie Chen and etc., “Low Power and Concurrency Optimization of the Computational Unit for DSP Processors Based on Software.” 2003 5th International Conference on ASIC Proceedings, pp424-427, 2003. ISTP

?Guo XX, Chen J, and etc.Code acquisition of ZCZ-CDMA systems based on complete complementary codes,WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND MOBILE COMPUTING Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput., 3: 585–595, 2003.

?Guo XX, Chen J, Qui YL, A new architecture of matched-filter bank for high-speed code acquisition of ZCZ-CDMA system, PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING, APPLICATIONS AND TECHNOLOGIES, 391-395, 2003.

?Xiaoxu Guo, Jie Chen, A New Architecture of Matched-Filter Bank for High-Speed Code Acquisition of ZCZ-CDMA System. 2003 5th International Conference on ASIC Proceedings. p800-803, 2003.ISTP

?Xiangliang Jin, Jie Chen, and Yulin Qiu, “A Novel Wide-dynamic-range Logarithmic-response Bipolar Junction Photogate Transistor for CMOS imagers,” Chinese optics letters, Vol.1, no.8, 2003.

?Xiangliang Jin, Jie Chen, and Yulin Qiu, “Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Bipolar Junction Photogate Transistor for CMOS Image Sensor,” CHINESE JOURNAL OF SEMICONDUCTORS, Vol.24, No.3, 2003, pp250-254.

?Xiangliang Jin, Jie Chen, Yulin Qiu, “Principle and Analysis of Gate-Induced Noise in Pixel MOSFET of CMOS Imagers,” CHINESE JOURNAL OF SEMICONDUCTORS ,Vol.24, No.9, 2003, pp1069-1074.

?Xiangliang Jin, Jie Chen, and Yulin Qiu, “Pixel Cross-talk Considerations for CMOS Image Sensor Based on Technology Scaling,” Semiconductor Photonics and Technology, Vol.9, No.4, 2003, pp245-250.

?Xiangliang Jin, Jie Chen, and Yu Lin Qiu, “Analytical Transient Model of Photocurrent Characteristics for Bipolar Junction Photogate Transistor Used by CMOS Imagers,” Journal of Functional Materials and Devices, Vol.9, No 1, 2003, pp53-57.

?Xiangliang Jin, Jie Chen and Yu Lin Qiu, “Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Photo-charge Transfer Characteristics of Bipolar Junction Photogate Transistor for CMOS Imagers,” Semiconductor Photonics and Technology, Vol.9, No.2, 2003, pp75-78.

?Xiangliang Jin and Jie Chen, “Analysis of Novel Low-Power Quasi-Dynamic Ratioless Readout Scanning Shift Register for CMOS Imagers,” The 5th International Conference on ASIC, October 21-24, 2003, Beijing, China, pp595-598.

?Xiangliang Jin and Jie Chen, “Design and Optimization of 0.25um Technology Low-Voltage Low-Power CMOS APS with Device Scaling Considerations,” The 5th International Conference on ASIC, October 21-24, 2003, Beijing, China, pp599-563.

?Xiangliang Jin, Jie Chen, and Yulin Qiu, “Analysis of Bipolar Junction Photogate Transistor for CMOS Image Sensor Based on Behavioral Modeling Methodology”, Electronic Devices, Vol.25, No 4, 2002, pp424-430.

?Xiangliang Jin, Jie Chen et al., “Numerical simulation and analysis of voltage controlling N+-N-P+ model for BJMOSFET’s DC characteristics,” IEEE TECON ’2, Oct. 28-31, 2002. BeiJing, China, pp2075-2078. ISTP

?Xiangliang Jin, Chen Jie, and Qiu Yulin, “Sensitivity and photodectector considerations for CMOS imager sensor,” Second Joint Symposium on Opto- and Microelectronic Devices and Circuits, March 10-16, 2002, Stuttgart, Germany, pp222-225.

?Xiaoxu Guo, Chen J., Suehiro N., Qui YL. A High Speed Matched-Filter for ZCZ-CDMA Communications. 6th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP2002), pp.1368-1371, 2002. ISTP

?Xiaoxu Guo, Jie Chen, Naoki Suehiro, Yulin Qiu,”A High Speed Matched-Filter for ZCZ-CDMA Communications” 2002 International Conference on Signal Processing,Beijing, China. August, 2002, pp.1368-1371, Proc. ICSP02

?Haiyu Huang, Pingzhi Fan, Jie Chen and Toshiaki Imoto,”Performance evaluation of DS-CDMA system based on complete complementary sets”, 1st International Workshop on Sequence Design and Applications for CDMA Systems,Selected by English book <>,ISBN7-81057-609-9, 2001.

?Jie Chen, “ Low Power Design for Base-band Signal Processing of Broadband Mobile Communications”, IEICE Conference of Spread Spectrum Technology, Saga, Japan, Dec.,2001, Proc. SST 2001,(Invited Speech)

?Jie Chen, G.L. Shou and C. M. Zhou, “High-Speed Low-Power Complex Matched Filter for W-CDMA: Algorithm and VLSI-Architecture", IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E83-A, Jan., pp.150-157, 2000.

?Jie Chen, G.L. Shou and C.M. Zhou, “Digital-Controlled Analog Circuits for Weighted-Sum Operations: Architecture, Implementation and Applications", IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E82-A, Nov., pp.2505-2513, 1999.

?Jie Chen, Wen Chen and S.Itoh, “Lossy to Lossless Compression of ECG by Using Integer Wavelet Transform``, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Vol.37, Supplement2, pp.1610-1611, 1999.

?Wen Chen, Jie Chen and S.Itoh, “The Error Estimation of Sampling in Wavelet Subspaces”, IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E82-A, No.5, pp.835-841, 1999.

?Jie Chen, G.L. Shou and C.M.Zhou, “A Mixed Analog-Digital Matched Filter VLSI with High-Speed and Low Consumption Power”, IS2000, Japan, Nov., 2000

?T. Yamazaki, J. Chen, Panrit Tosukhowong, and S.Itoh,“Progressive Stereo Matching by Integer Wavelet Transform", Proc.of SITA`99, pp.825-828, Niigata, 1999.

?N. Sahara, J. Chen, Panrit Tosukhowong, and S.Itoh,“ECG Compression Using Integer Wavelet Transform", Proc.of SITA`99, pp.829-831, Niigata, 1999.

?Jie Chen and S.Itoh, “A Wavelet Transform Based ECG Compression Method Guaranteeing Desired Signal Quality”, IEEE Trans. On Biomedical Engineering,Vol.45, No.12, pp.1414-1419, 1998.

3. Other Papers

?Jin XL, Chen J, Qiu YL, Analysis of novel wide-dynamic-range logarithmic-response bipolar junction photogate transistor for CMOS imagers, 2003 IEEE CONFERENCE ON ELECTRON DEVICES AND SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, 79-82, 2003

?Jin XL, Chen J, Novel principle and realization of simple low-power low-noise correlated double sampling for CMOS pixel readout circuit, 2003 IEEE CONFERENCE ON ELECTRON DEVICES AND SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, 113-116, 2003. ISTP

?Jie Chen, Naoki Suehiro, Zhipin Fan, “Baseband Signal Processing and Its VLSI Implementation for a New CDMA System Based on Zero-Correlation-Zone Sequences”, 2nd Joint Symposium on Opto- and Microelectronic Devices and Circuits,Germany, March, pp.275-278,Proc. JSOMDC, 2002.

?Jie Chen, Xiaoxu Guo, Naoki Suehiro, Zhipin Fan,”Base-band Signal Processing and Its Implementation for CDMA Systems Using Complete Complementary Codes”, 1st International Workshop on Sequence Design and Applications for CDMA Systems, selected by English book <>,ISBN7-81057-609-9, 2001.  (Invited Speech)

?Chenggao Han, Naoki Suehiro, Jie Chen, Noriyoshi Kuroyanagi and Makoto Nakamura, “Simulation of a Parallel Transmission System for Multipath Property to Estimate Pilot Signals and Additional Chip-Shifted Information-Transmission Signals”, 1st International Workshop on Sequence Design and Applications for CDMA Systems,selected by English book <>,ISBN7-81057-609-9, 2001.

?J. Chen, G.L. Shou and C. M. Zhou, “Digital-Controlled Analog Circuits for Weighted-Sum Operations: Architecture, Implementation and Applications", IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E82-A, Nov., pp.2505-2513, 1999.

?J. Chen, Wen Chen and S. Itoh, “ Lossy to Lossless Compression of ECG by Using Integer Wavelet Transform``, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Vol.37, Supplement2, pp.1610-1611, 1999.

?W. Chen, J. Chen and S. Itoh, “The Error Estimation of Sampling in Wavelet Subspaces”, IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E82-A, No.5, pp.835-841, 1999.

?Panrit Tosukhowong, J.Chen and S.Itoh, “Image Compression using Integer Wavelet Transform”, Picture Coding Symposium of Japan 1998, PCSJ98, pp.83-84, Karuizawa, Oct., 1998.

?J.Chen “Mixed Digital and Analog VLSI Design``, China Association of Science and Technology, CAST-98, The 3rd Academic Conference of Young Scientists, pp.244--247, Beijing, China, Aug., 1998.

?J. Chen, S.Itoh and T.Hashimoto,“The Rate-Distortion Performance of Wavelet Transform Coding", Proc.of SITA`94, pp.531-534, Hiroshima, 1994.

?H.Tatekawa, J.Chen, S.Itoh and T.Hasimoto,"Image Compression by Wavelet Transform and PTVQ", Proc.of SITA`94, pp.615-618, Hiroshima, 1994. (in Japanese)

?J.Chen, S.Itoh and T.Hashimoto, “Wavelet Transform Based ECG Data Compression with Desired Reconstruction Signal Quality", p.84, Proc.of IEEE-IMS Workshop on Information Theory, USA, 1994

?J. Chen, S.Itoh and T. Hashimoto, “Scalar Quantization Noise Analysis and Optimal Bit Allocation for Wavelet Pyramid Image Coding System", IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E-76-A, No.9, pp. 1502-1514, 1993.

J.Chen, S.Itoh and T.Hashimoto, “Wavelet Pyramid Image Coding with Predictable and Controllable Subjective Picture Quality", IEICE Trans.on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E-76-A, No.9, pp.1458-1468, 1993.

?J.Chen, S.Itoh and T.Hashimoto, “ECG Data Compression Using Wavelet Transform", IEICE Trans.on Information and Systems, E-76-D, No.12, pp. 1454-1461, 1993.

?J.Chen and S.Itoh, “An optimally Bit Allocated Wavelet Pyramid Image Coding System" , p.282, Proc. of IEEE ISIT, USA, 1993.

?J.Chen, S.Itoh and T.Hashimoto, “A Wavelet Transform Based Compression Method for ECG Signal", pp.411-414, Proc.of SITA93, Kanezasa, 1993.

?J.Chen, S.Itoh and T.Hashimoto, “Wavelet Transform Based Image Coding: a Challenge to JPEG and MPEG", pp.403-406, Proc.of SITA93, Kanezasa, 1993.

H.Tatekawa, J.Chen, S.Itoh and T.Hasimoto,"Image Compression by Wavelet Transform and Vector Quantization", Proc. of SITA`94, pp.407-410, Hiroshima, 1993. (in Japanese).

J.Chen and S.Itoh, “A Wavelet Pyramid Image Coding System”, pp.185-188, Proc. of SITA92, Mizukami, 1992.

?J.Chen, S.Itoh and T.Hashimoto, “Scalar Quantization Noise Analysis and Optimal Bit Allocation for Wavelet Pyramid Image Coding System", pp.112-116, Proc. Of ICCS/ISITA, Singapore, 1992.

?J. Chen, S.Itoh and Y.Fukamachi,“Signal Compression for Large Alphabet Size Sources", Proc.of SITA`90, pp.221-226, Tateshina, 1991. (in Japanese).

?J.Chen and S.Itoh, “An Extended LZW Algorithm for Lossless Compression of Grey-Level Images", pp.427-430, Vol.1, Proc. Of ISITA, Hawaii, USA, 1990.

4. Book Chapter

"Low Power Design Technology for the Baseband Signal Processing of Wide-band DS-CDMA Communications", Chapter 7, Tricips Publication, 1997, ISBN4-88657-178-6. (in Japanese)


Symmetry partition algorithm and circuit structure of high speed low power multiplier

New Multiply-Accumulate Unit (MAC) reconfiguration algorithm and ==Implemented construction of high speed arithmetic logical operation Unit circuit with 16Bit Three-input

The structure of add/subtract compressor with three-input

The circuit structure of high speed multiplier-accumulators/subtracter with 40bit round-off

Implemented construction of High speed arithmetic logical operation Unit circuit with 16Bit Three-input

Implemented construction of concurrency computing unit with low power of software

Divisible MAC with parallel processing

High performance bipolar grating transistor and its fabrication

Structure of low power and correlated double sampling circuit

Structure of high speed low power dynamic nocomparing shift register

Low noise bipolar photosensitive FET and its fabrication

Structure of feedback circuit with linear Dynamic Range continual common mode

Matched with low maladjustment CDS circuit structure

"High Performance Bipolar Junction Photogate Transistor and Its Fabrication Methods"

"Data Compression Methods"

"Discrete Cosinse Transform Circuits"

“Matched Filter Circuits"

“Linearity Holding Circuits"

“Operational Amplifier circuits"

“Receiving Apparatus of Spectrum Spreading Communications"

“Weighted-Sum Operation Circuits"

“Layout Schemes for Filters"

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