Name:FENG Jin Gender:male Title:Graduate Advisor Nationality:P.R.China Education:Postgraduate E-Mail:fengjin@ime.ac.cn Department:Thirteen Research Laboratories Address:BeituchengWestRoad, Chaoyang District, Beijing, PR China Postcode:100029 Education Background: 1) 1990.8-1994.7 Harbin Enginerring University Bachelor 2) 1999.9-2002.2 Hunan University Master 3) 2002.3-2005.2 Insititute of Electrics,Chinese Academy of Sciences Doctor Professional Experience (1)1994.7-1999.8 Jiangxi Jiang Xin Shipyard Engineer (2)2005.2- 2015.8 Insititute of Electrics,Chinese Academy of Sciences Associate Professor (3)2005.2- 2015.8 Insititute of Microelectrics,Chinese Academy of Sciences Associate Professor Research Interests: Radar signal processing; SAR imaging processing Publications: 1. Jin Feng, Huifang Zheng, Yunkai Deng, Member, IEEE, and Dongsheng Gao, Application of Subband Spectral Cancellation for SAR narrowband Interference Suppression IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Volume: 9, Issue: 2 2012。 2.Jin Feng, Canguan Gao, Yongqiang Chen, Yi Zhang, Xiaoyan He, Robert Wang, Yunkai Deng ,Channel Phase Mismatch Calibration of the DPC SAR Based on Azimuth Cross-Correlation. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Volume: 10, Issue: 4 2013 。 3. Jin Feng, Minhui Zhu ,Adaptive Kurtosis Optimization Autofocus Algorithm,Journal of Electrons&Information 2006 Vol.23 No.7 . Patents Application: 1.FengJin,ZhuMinHui,ZhenYongQiang Method for moving ship detection。 20008410070109.9 2.FengJin,QiXiangYang,HeXiaoYan Method for moving target detection。 200610119701.2 3.FengJin,GaoCanGuang,HeXiaoYan Method for Estimating of Phase Mismatch the Multi-Channel SAR Based on Azimuth Cross-Correlation. 201210295991.1