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HAN Chunrui
Update time: 2020-07-08
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Han Chunrui












Optoelectronics Research Center


3 Beitucheng West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, PR China







Education Background

2010-2013 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, PhD in Nano Science and Technology

Professional Experience

Mar. 2022-Present, Professor, Optoelectronics Research Center, Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Apr. 2018-Mar. 2022, Associate Professor, Academy of Optoelectronics and Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

2017-2018, Postdoctoral Fellow in Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.

2015-2016,Postdoctoral Fellow in Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

2014-2015,Postdoctoral Researcherin Physics Department, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong.


Selected SCI Journal papers

1.     Minpeng Liang,Chunrui Han, Oleksandr Zheliuk, Qihong Chen, et al, A flip-over plasmonic structure for photoluminescence enhancement of encapsulated WS2, Advanced Optical Materials 9, 2100397(2021).

2.     Maosen Qin, Xiangyan Han, Dongdong Ding, Ruirui Niu, Zhuangzhuang Qu, Zhiyu Wang, Zhimin Liao, Yuan Huang,Chunrui Han, Jianming Lu, Jianting Ye, Light controllable electronic phase transition in ionic gated monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides, Nano Letters 21(16), 6800–6806 (2021).

3.     Chunrui Han*, Yu Wang, Weihu Zhou, Minpeng Liang, Jianting Ye*, Strong anisotropic enhancement of photoluminescence in WS2integrated with plasmonic nanowire array, Scientific Reports 11(10080), 1-12 (2021).

4.     Chunrui Han*and Jianting Ye*, Polarized resonant emission of monolayer WS2coupled with plasmonic sawtooth nanoslit array, Nature Communications 11, 713 (2020). Highlighted

5.     Chunrui Han*, Yuejing Qi, Yu Wang, and Jianting Ye*, Inducing lasing in organic materials with low optical gain by three-dimensional plasmonic nanocavity arrays, Optics Express 27(15), 20597-20607 (2019).

6.     Chunrui Han, Lechen Yang, Piao Ye et al. Three dimensional chiral plasmon rulers based on Ag nanorod trimers, Optics Express 26(8), 10315-10325 (2018).

7.     Xudong Liu#, Xuequan Chen#, Edward P. J. Parrott,Chunrui Han, et al. An active terahertz polarization converter employing a vanadium dioxide metamaterial in total internal reflection geometry, APL Photonics 3, 051604 (2018).

8.     Chunrui Han, Edward P. J. Parrott, Georges Humbert et al. Broadband modulation of terahertz waves through electrically driven hybrid bowtie antenna-VO2devices, Scientific Reports 7(12725), 1-9 (2017).

9.     Chunrui Han, Edward P. J. Parrott, and Emma Pickwell-MacPherson, Tailoring metamaterial microstructures to realize broadband polarization modulation of terahertz waves, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 23, 4700806 (2017).

10. EdwardP. J. Parrott,Chunrui Han, Fei Yan, G. Humbert, A. Bessaudou, A. Crunteanu and Emma Pickwell-MacPherson, Vanadium dioxide devices for terahertz wave modulation: a study of wire grid structures,Nanotechnology27(20), 205206 (2016).

11. Chunrui Han, Wing Yim Tam, Broadband optical magnetism in chiral metallic nanohole arrays by shadowing vapor deposition, Applied Physics Letters 109(25), 251102 (2016).

12. Chunrui Hanand Wing Yim Tam, Plasmonic ultra-broadband polarizers based on Ag nano wire-slit arrays, Applied Physics Letters 106(8), 081102 (2015).

13. Chunrui Han,Ho Ming Leung, C. T. Chan, Wing Yim Tam, Giant plasmonic circular dichroism in Ag staircase nanostructures, Optics Express 23(26), 33065-33077 (2015).

14. Chunrui Hanand Wing Yim Tam, Chirality from shadowing deposited metallic nanostructures, Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications 13, 50-57 (2015).

15. Chunrui Han, Ho Ming Leung and Wing Yim Tam,Chiral metamaterials by shadowing vapor deposition, Journal of Optics 15(7), 072101 (2013).

16. Chunrui Hanand Wing Yim Tam,Graded photonic crystals by optical interference holography, Journal of Optics 14(8), 085104 (2012).

Selected Conference papers

1.Chunrui Han, Yu Wang, Xin Guo, Lujun Bai and Siyuan Liu “Tunable electroluminescence in ionic liquid gated atomically thin p-n junction”, Proc. SPIE 11617, International Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Technology and Application, 116170Z (2020-12-4).

2. Siyuan Liu, Zhuangzhuang Qu, Yuanyuan Fan, Yan Qi, Jianming Lu, Lujun Bai, Weihu Zhou, Yu Wang andChunrui Han, “Multiscale fabrication of integrated photonic chips by electron beam lithography”, Proc. SPIE 12073, 10th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies, 1207307 (2021-12-14).

3. Yutong Wang,Chunrui Han, Yi Zhou, Changjun Ke and Yu Wang, “direct laser writing of polyimide for flexible graphene photodetectors”, Proc. SPIE 12060, 10th Applied Optics and Photonics China, 12060 1P (2021-11-24).

4.Chunrui Han,Edward P. J. Parrott,Emma Pickwell-MacPherson, Broadband terahertz plasmonic wave retarders, 2016 41st International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz, 2016 November 28.

5. Korbinian Kalternecker,Chunrui Han,Bernd M. Fischer, Emma Pickwell-MacPherson, Edward P. J. Parrott, Terahertz near field imaging of metal hole arrays, 2016, 41st International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz, 2016 November 28.

Research Interests  

metamaterials, 2D materials, integrated nanophotonics

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