Surface-recombination-free InGaAs/InP HBTs and the base contact recombination
Solid-State Electronics Volume 52, Issue 7, July 2008, Pages 1088-1091
Authors:Z. Jin , X. Liu, W. Prost and F.-J. Tegude
Surface-recombination-free InGaAs/InP HBTs with graded base have been demonstrated. The HBTs were passivated by ammonium
sulfide. The current gain of the nonself-aligned HBTs was independent of the emitter periphery, indicating that the surface
recombination was removed by the passivation. For the self-aligned HBTs, the current gain was still dependent on the emitter
periphery after the passivation due to the base contact recombination. A surface leakage channel has been identified to result
in a significant increase in the base contact recombination. The passivation has two effects: one is the surface recombination
velocity reduction and the other is the surface leakage channel elimination.